On Monday 23rd September, in the morning, a delegation composed of representatives of the Fédération des Associations Casamançaises de l’Extérieur (FACE), Diamoral, Icare Veneto, the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale and Deltamed, met with Dr. Francesca Rossetto, Head of the Management Secretariat of the President of the Veneto Region, Dr. Luca Zaia, and Dr. Luigi Zanin, Director of the International Cooperation Organizational Unit at the regional headquarters in Palazzo Grandi Stazioni in Venice.

On this occasion, the President of FACE, Lamine Diedhiou, presented to the interlocutors the project, which we have already reported previously, which will see the construction in Casamance, near the city of Bignona, of 60 homes for Senegalese immigrants currently residing in Veneto. In the intentions of the owners, as a sign of recognition for the region that welcomed them, giving them work and a better future, the new neighborhood should take the name of VENETO CITY.

Dr. Rossetto and Dr. Zanin welcomed the news, assuring that the initiative will be brought to the attention of President Zaia.

During the meeting, we talked also about possible cooperation between Senegal and the Veneto Region in the fight against salinization of agricultural land in Casamance, which has been carried out for several years by FACE with the support of the partners present. After this visit, it seems that there are all the conditions for the launch of new cooperation projects that can have a concrete and significant impact in these less fortunate countries.

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