The National Association of Italian Reclamation Consortia (ANBI) also acknowledges the importance of international partnerships initiated within the DeltaMed Association. The management of water resources in the Italian territory is a globally recognized best practice, especially by countries in the Mediterranean region, following a hydraulic culture deeply rooted in history. Every year, delegations from numerous […]
In the context of the collaborative projects that Deltamed has been working on for some time with the Féderation des Associacions Casamançaises de l’Éxterieur (FACE) to study the problems associated with the salinisation of farmland in Casamance, a region with a strong agricultural vocation in southern Senegal, on 5 December, Deltamed Secretary Dr. Sergio Grego, […]
Studying the Mediterranean. categories, interpretation keys, observation points Naples, 23 November 2023 at 10.00 CNR-ISMed Polo umanistico (VI piano) Via Cardinale Guglielmo Sanfelice, 8 80134 Napoli Speaker Halima Ouanada University of Tunis El Manar (Re)thinking the Mediterranean through the prism of Mediterraneanity Introduces and moderates Settimio Stallone Professor of History of International Relations Università degli […]