On November 25, 2022, Deltamed’s annual general meeting was held, all the points discussed were unanimously approved, and among them, point 3. Proposals for the change of presidency and secretariat of Deltamed. Agreement if applicable.
The Executive Council unanimously decided that the secretariat who until now had held the IATE. (AGROENVIRONMENTAL INSTITUTE OF TIERRAS DEL EBRO) in Amposta (Tarragona) with president Mr. Manuel Ferré Aixendri and director Mr. Enric García Sabaté, will be in charge of the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Oriental, with headquarters in Piazza Indipendenza 2530027 San Donà di Piave (Ve). Its president will be Mr. Giorgio Piazza and its secretary Mr. Sergio Grego (Consorzio Veneto Oriental) for 3 years as stipulated in the ordinances in article 22-4.