On 7 May 2024, the international conference called “DELTAS SOS” was held in the prestigious headquarters of the Spanish government association Casa Mediterraneo in Alicante. The Secretary of the DeltaMed Association, Eng. Sergio Grego, illustrated the Association’s activity and introduced the general theme of the problems of the Mediterranean deltas. This was followed by reports from representatives of organizations operating in many Deltas and wetlands of the Mediterranean, including Eng. Lino Tosini who spoke about the Po River and the problems of the Delta, with particular reference to the rise of the salt wedge, as well as projects to combat the salinisation of the Delta, a direct consequence of climate change. Spanish representatives spoke about the Ebro Delta and the Valencia Lagoon (Albufera). The problems of the Nile Delta, the Tunisian Deltas and the coasts of Türkiye are also illustrated. The photographic exhibition of the Mediterranean Deltas “Los Deltas SOS” was also inaugurated, created with the contribution of the European Space Agency. It was a very interesting day which will contribute to intensifying the relations of the DeltaMed Association.