The annual Deltamed General Assembly will be held on Friday 20th of October at the headquarters of the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale, in Piazza Indipendenza, 27 in San Donà di Piave.
This is a very important moment, it will in fact be the first General Assembly after the one held in Amposta (Tarragona, Spain) on the 25th of November 2022. During that assembly it was decided the transfer of the headquarters to Italy, in San Donà di Piave, at number 29 of Piazza Indipendenza and the renewal of the membership offices: Mr. Giorgio Piazza, President of the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale, in place of Mr. Manuel Ferré Aixendri as President and Mr. Sergio Grego, General Director of the Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale, in place of Enrique García Sabaté as Secretary.
Professor Andrea Rinaldo, the 2023 winner of the “Stockholm water prize” (the most prestigious prize for water studies in the world) will participate to the event and has already declared his interest in supporting the Association with its own scientific contribution.
At 11am Professor Rinaldo will hold a lectio magistralis entitled “The governance of water in the changing world” in which he will deal with pressing issues that are the heart of today’s scientific debate. The event is reserved to guests, but those who are interested can follow the event here : https://www.facebook.com/consorziobonificavenetorientale/
During the event the members will also have the opportunity to examine and discuss the new Statute, adapted to the Italian legislation concerning third sector organisations, a draft of which has already been submitted to the Deltamed technical committee.
Event materials downloads
- Andrea Rinaldo: “The governance of water in the changing world”
- Andrea Marcela Behar, Veronica M. E. Zagarè, Tatiana Manotas: Pressure and Challenges of the Paranà Delta in the Face of Climate Change
- Badawi A Tantawi – Shimaa A. Badawy: Impacts of Water Management and Climate Changes on the Agricultural Production in Nile Delta
- Sergio Grego: Deltamed General Assembly Report on the activities carried out in 2023
- Umberto Niceforo: Scenari e prospettive sulle strategie di gestione della risorsa idrica e di adattamento al cambiamento climatico con particolare riferimento all’area mediterranea e del Nord Africa
- Moulay M’hamed Sliman, Souad Boumeshoul: Problématiques liées à la gestion des Ressources en Eau au niveau de la zone d’action de l’ABHGZR
- Graziano Paulon: Consorzio di Bonifica Veneto Orientale Lagoon Management in the Upper Adriatic and Inner Waterway (Litoranea Veneta)
- Garcia Sabate Enrique: Comunitat General de Regants del Canal de la Dreta de l’Ebre