Constitution of the Association
Act of constitution of Deltamed. April 2001
The representatives of the Forum of Mediterranean Deltas for the Sustainable Development gathered in Amposta for the first time (Ebro’s Delta), in April 2001, where they agree to constitute a Forum of Mediterranean Deltas.
A second meeting took place in Rovigo (Po’s Delta), in March 2002, it concluded with the formulation of a proposal to the European Union in the field of Interreg III C, in order to consolidate a network of Mediterranean Deltas called DELTA-MED, with the aim to exchange experiencies and knowledge about the problems of the territory and sustainable agriculture.
As a result of these negotiations, on Friday 6th of December 2002, took place in the head office of the Institut Agroambiental Terres de l’Ebre (Amposta) the signature of the Statutes that will initiate the activity of DELTA-MED Association.